
§1 After the example of [St.] Charles de Foucauld, the community’s apostolate is a little and “hidden” apostolate, primarily contemplative, secondarily active.

§2 The contemplative aspect involves witnessing to the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and to the joy of life in the Father’s Will.

§3 The active dimension to our apostolate involves two things.

i. Firstly, serving as an evangelistic Catholic presence within the local secular and parish community […]

ii. Secondarily, teaching the faithful to strive for the greatest sanctity, living in God’s Will. This involves teaching the Catholic faith, with an emphasis on general faith formation, teaching true devotion to Mary and St. Joseph, the Jewish roots of the Catholic faith, and practically living out the interior life. The LEB apostolate of teaching is not necessarily restricted to but certainly emphasises the “small” and “local”—without exclusion to an online presence—and is subordinate to its contemplative priority that looks to St. Joseph’s hidden role of adoring Jesus in union with Mary as the prime model of its modus operandi.

(Statutes, 16).

St. Charles de Foucauld (This image is in the public domain)